Sunday, September 19, 2010

Real Housewives of Non-Profits

It's a Sunday night. My daughter is playing with a stuffed rabbit and Barbie on my bed to my right while The Will to Govern Well sits next to me on my night stand, patiently waiting for me to open it again before going to sleep. In the background, the Real Housewives of DC is playing on the television which provides me with another example to add to my ever growing, "Bad Mommy List."

The Real Housewives of Non-Profits would play out a little differently, I think.

  • The fights would revolve around who stole who's latest Foursquare game for expo halls and which non-profits were rife with nepotism. 
  • Rumors would swirl about which heavy hitting non-profit had only offered a cash bar versus an open bar at the latest fundraiser.
  • Internal C-Suite dialogues would reveal which organizations were really interested in innovation and which were resistant.
  • People would be guessing which association had "natural" social media development and which ones had been"enhanced" with a consultant's help. 
For those of us who live in the non-profit space, it doesn't take a reality show to provide regular thrills. We laugh about it, but many of us are just trying to do the best we can in our roles in associations to balance our personal goals with our plans to make our organizations better for our being a part of them.

What do you think? What would the Real Housewives of Non-Profits Reunion Show look like? 


  1. Lol--having worked in associations since 1990 I could totally write this show! Of course if I told you I'd have to kill you... ;)

  2. interesting idea, I'd love to see that kind of show

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